Your Lagna (Ascendant) is Taurus

Taurus Appearance
According to your Horoscope, you will have broad neck and shoulders - may be somewhat stoopy. You will have pensive brows and attractive lips, dark eyes, full forehead and curling hair.

Taurus Mental Qualities
You will have a determined nature, at times bordering on obstinacy. You will sport the strength of conviction stemming from your laborious and patient nature. You will be proud by your own right and at times may be amorous.

Taurus Special Characteristics
You will have a highly endowed mind possessing creative fancy, intuitive faculty and fondness for artistic pursuits. You will have an amiable disposition and steadfast affections. You will have sensuous love of life and a desire for comfort and luxury. You will have success in drama, music and fine arts. You will secure patronage of wealthy ladies.

You will have a variable, moody and romantic disposition with fertile imagination, refined taste and delicate feelings. You will be fond of dainty food and will be successful in travelling. You will have a practical nature and acquisition of property will be easy to you. You will have a sensitive nature. Disappointment in love affairs may make you languishing. Your married life and domestic climate may have queer vagaries but you will depth of feelings and fidelity in attachments. Early years may prove difficult because of dependence and servitude which will be overcome as you will be matured by learning through experience.