If your birthday falls on 11th date of a month, you will possess qualities of Number 11 as well as Numbers 1 and 2. This is because if we add 1 + 1 in Number 11, the sum is 2. In simple words, if your birthday is on 11th date of a month,

On the day a person is born, the day’s Number can be clearly seen in his personality. Usually, Numbers 1 to 9 are talked about in Numerology. However, we will proceed to further and talk about people who are born on 10th of a month. We

Numerology can be used to analyse various aspects of the life. Making use of this astrology side in an efficient way can help us determine exact incidences of one’s life. In vedic astrology, the matchmaking of a bride and the groom is done

A lot of things are analyzed in Numerology. Numerology follows a basic principle. According to this principle, if the sum of numbers corresponding to alphabets in your name or date of birth is compatible with certain objects or incidents,

Name number can bring changes in a person’s life and directs it towards positivity and optimism. Name number is calculated on the basis of one’s name by using Cheiro method, Sepharial method and Pythagoras method. Numerologists have been

Numerology is an important aspect of astrology, which helps in determining the life and future of a person through numbers. Numerology is used to determine the thought process, life, future, career path etc. of an individual through the

Numerology is one of the simplest methods to study an individual and his life path. One can easily predict the nature, life cycle and character of a person through this medium. Likewise, Destiny number or Life Cycle Number is another

Moon and Sun have been assigned with two numbers each in Numerology . Number 1 and 4 are assigned to the Sun because Sun and Uranus correlate with each other. The planets of number 1 and 4 are Sun and Uranus respectively. In the same way,

Number 9 is a significant number, ruled by planet Mars . Mars represents aggression and is also known as the Lord of war. People born on 9, 18 and 27 dates of any month belong to number 9. Number 9 is considered to be very significant by

Destiny numbers are calculated by adding the numbers in the date of birth. The summation result of date, month and year of birth gives destiny number . For Example : A person is born on 6th June 1959, then the procedure to calculate the

Date of birth is the base for calculating Destiny Number which includes month, year and date. The summation result of date, month and year of birth gives destiny number. For Example : A person is born on 4th April 1959, then the procedure

In this article, we will present the basics of Root number and some important facts about it. Numerology is a way to predict the events in life and direct them towards positivity and Root number is one of the simplest methods to do so.

Master number has been considered very significant in numerology. Modern numerologists explain the importance of Master number in the best possible way. A Master number is known to be the best number in numerology . Traditionally, mixed

It is very easy to calculate the birth number and destiny number in numerology . Almost everyone is aware of the procedure to calculate these numbers but calculating the name number is a long procedure and many people are not aware of this

Name number is calculated on the basis of one’s name by using Cheiro method, Sepharial method and Pythagoras method. Some methods have used nine numbers and some have not. Numerologists have been using these methods since ancient times.

Numerology is an important practice. A person’s qualities and future can be judged through numerology. This practice includes analysing a person’s qualities, personality and thoughts through different numbers related to his name. Name has

Name has an important place in everyone’s life. A name is a person’s identity. A person’s name is determined on the basis of various factors including his birth Nakshatra . Sometimes, we see that a person has an appropriate name but does

The name number is calculated on the basis of the numbers denoted to english alphabets. Even in the current times, numerologists calculate the name number in the same way. Keiro, Sapherial and Pythagoras methods are used to calculate a

The name number is calculated on the basis of the numbers denoted to English alphabets. Even in the current times, numerologists calculate the name number in the same way. Keiro, Sapherial and Pythagoras methods are used to calculate a

Name number is also known as Fortune number . Cheiro method, Sepharial method and Pythagoras method are used to calculate the name number. Numerologists have been using these methods since ancient times. Some methods have used nine numbers