Book details

Planets and Travel Abroad

M S Mehta

Tags : vedic astrology,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

Knowing fundamentals of Astrology and interpreting a horoscope are two entirely different things. Even when one claims that one knows all the combinations and principles, the results sometimes are disastrous and one is tempted to claim that for correct interpretation good intuition is absolutely necessary, and one may be bound to give up in despair.

In the conditions of India that are prevalent today, practically everyone wants to go abroad, whether it is for studies, for a better job or simply to amass huge sums of money. Often the first question that is asked of astrologers is, “Will I go abroad?”  The author has tried to answer this question in the light of principles given by our ancients and as suitably modified by Mr K N Rao in his classes and articles.