Analysis of Bheenshastakvarga of Mars

The auspicious and inauspicious effects of Mars can be determined through analysis of Moon’s bheenashtakvarga in the horoscope. Analysis of Mars in bheenashtakvarga one can determine the prevailing situation and life’s incident. Let’s understand the principles of determining the results in Mars bheenashtakvarga.

The situation in which Mars gives only 0 to 3 bindus in its bheenakshtakvarga is not considered to be good. Mars represents physical strength and courage. When the mars is weak with less bindus, it affects all the karaka of elements of the planet. The persona feel lack of courage and have to go through negative feelings as well.

When Mars is situated in the horoscope with 4 bindus, it gives highly auspicious results. Additional 2 or 3 bindus increases the auspiciousness to a great extent. The native is able to get success and high position. He attains wealth, courage and optimism in life.

Mars also gives auspicious results when situated in the center, trident, exalted sign or the house of its own sign with 7 or 8 bindus. He attains success and victory in life. He becomes a wealthy man. Such a person also gets honor and respect in the society. It should also be noted that when Mars belonging to Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn sign is situated in the ascendant with 4 bindus, then the native attains high authoritative position.

When Mars in situated in the ascendant, fourth, fifth, ninth or tenth house of the horoscope with 4 bindus the also the native gets to experience auspicious results in his life. The level of auspiciousness increases when the bindus counts in the same house increases to 7 or 8.

The period when Mars transits through the sign with maximum bindus is considered to be the best period for buying property. This ensures long term benefits and keep away the damages.

When mArs enters the house without any bindus, it gives problems related to health and can even lead to personality damages. It is also said, when Mars enters into a house with 7 or 8 bindus then the native gets benefits related to property, house, land, etc. He is able to attain victory over his enemies.

When Mars conjunct Rahu or is in the Rahu’s nakshatra with maximum bindus, then the native may work as Administrative officer or security forces or military officer.

Bindu counts acquired before the Shodhan of Mars in the bheenakshtavarga ie n the third house is also used to counts the number of siblings of the native. Similarly, the Mars bheenakstakvargs can be used to determine other aspects of life.