Book details

Jaimini Maharishi's Upadesa Sutra

Sanjay Rath

Tags : vedic astrology, Upadesa Sutra, maharishi jaimini,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

 This book offers a lucid translation of the upadesa sutras of maharishi jaimini. Whenever necessary this has been substantiated by reference from standard texts and includes * Correct usage of chara, sthira and naisargiha karkas. * Distinction between karakamsa and swamsa and its impact in charts of twins born just 2 minutes apart, besides many other important aspects have been dealt in detail.

* Calculation and use of narayana (alias padakrama) sthira, shoola, navamsa, brahma, varnada, mandooka, paryaya (alias gochara), kendradi and su-dasa's. * The use of special ascendants in deciphering & timing rajyoga. * Predicting evils from trimsamsa & kauluka and death from rudramsa. * Longevity estimation and nature of death. * Hitler's defeat and death due to a change in the paryaya dasa & mandooka dasa or the poverty combination of the second lord in the twelfth house being modified to a wealth combination due to the varnada lagna in the chart of queen victoria are some of the fine illustrations. These and many other secrets of the ancients come from a traditional vedic astrologer for the first time.