Book details

Your Fortune through Hora

L R Chawdhri

Tags : vedic astrology, predictive Astrology, Horary Astrology,

Categories : Vedic Astrology, Horary Astrology,

Right thing to do at right time is a key to a successful life. The root cause of the right action is right thinking. The thoughts should be regulated in the right direction rather than to think a wrong way to achieve the object and ambition of life. Astrology is the right Science which leads us to a path of success provided all pros and cons are analysed scientifically and not in a haphazard way as is being done by many. On the above basis of day to day activities of human beings and to do right thing at the right time, the author has presented this aspect in this work. By following the directions as indicated by the planetary period, you can plan your future and a day’s routine in your own way to gain success and prosperity.

Astrologically, the day has been divided by our sages into 24 equal parts, each part is called Hora. Each hora has been designated and allocated certain portfolios and directions have been listed by them have to follow the same. This simple but very useful book is a ready reckoner for every man to be kept with him personally all the times for better planning and achieving success. The use of the tables presented, have been explained and made so easy that a man not even knowing Astrology can be benefited directly by simply following easy directions explained therein. The Astrologers who want to have an insight of the working of hora should follow the rules specially laid for them and check the marvelous effects of the planetary period. The use of hora in Predictive Astrology and in Horary Astrology has also been explained.