Book details

Vimsottari and Udu Dasa's

Sanjay Rath

Tags : vedic astrology, Vimsottari Dasa,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

The book is divided into 18 chapters which cover the foundation of Vedic Astrology, the paradigm of the nakshatra as well as each individual Udu dasa. An independent chapter is devoted to the choice of dasa, the how and why of choosing the right dasa for a chart while considering the various criteria as well as variation options in a step by step approach. Judgment of dasa includes the principles, in general used for reading the message of the charts and in timing the events that the drama of life shall show.     

The appendices include a discussion on the philosophy and mathematics behind the Vimsottari dasa. The order of the other dasa and their mathematics has been explained in chapters dedicated to each. Since Vimsottari is the best, care has been taken to explain the philosophy and logic in greater detail in the appendix. Another appendix gives tables for calculating the dasa balance, and major sub-periods of each of the dasa. The appendix on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) includes some interesting questions about dasa usage, calendar etc.