Book details

Sun the Cosmic Powerhouse

Prash Trivedi

Tags : vedic astrology,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

No matter which system of Astrology or which Astrological school of thought one looks at, one will find that one planet is given precedence above all—the Sun. In fact even nonbelievers in Astrology will recognize that life on earth is completely dependent upon the Sun. The Sun can be seen as the central source for our solar system. Without the Sun there would be no such thing as colour on our planet. The colour spectrum is only visible because of the filtering rays of the Sun. In the same way our soul nature represented by the Sun in the chart is the filter through which all our attributes and qualities as individual beings are made visible on the outer and inner planes of existence. Therefore the Sun is the first principle through which all other principles manifest. This book is an exhaustive treatise dealing with the king among the planets—Sun.