Book details

Retrograde Planets

Grace Inglis

Tags : vedic astrology, horoscope,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

Astrology belongs to the whole of humanity…..race, colour, creed, caste or language should never hinder the progress of the science. Astrologers of any school will do well to set their own house in order, instead of attacking other schools or systems, wasting time and energy. The horoscope, in the hands of a skilled Astrologer, reveals the intrinsic quality of life of the individual. Very little has been written on retrograde planets. Wherever there is a discussion as to the effects produced by a planet or house by retrogradation, there is a scrupulous silence; nonetheless, retrogradation is noted by astronomers and astrologers. There is an impression that a retrograde planet always sets boundaries, and when the boundary is crossed, suffering is a must.  Here is a sincere study of retrogression of planet which, it is hoped, will inspire fellow astrologer to go into further inquiry of the subject.