Book details

Principles & Practice of Horary Astrology

D P Saxena

Tags : vedic astrology, Horary Astrology,

Categories : Vedic Astrology, Horary Astrology,

Nobody can deny the importance of natal astrology and the natal chart; but the horary astrology is decidedly more important than the natal astrology. The former is used even in the rectification of the latter but it is not vice versa. While the natal chart give us broad hints about good or bad periods of the native it does not have any precise reply to his day-to-day problems. Even in the best of periods we have moments of anxiety and events of misfortune. The horary astrology gives us the genesis as well as the final results or its solutions.     

There are books on the subject; but they are either a faithful record of successful forecasts made by their author or merely a collection of planetary combinations called the yogas from our esteemed classics. This book starts with simple introduction of the subject and various processes and practices used by the astrologers. The aspects, western, eastern and the Tajika are one of them. The method of divination on the basis of the uncanny methods like the omens etc. have also been included.