Book details

Planetary Dispositions in Marital Affairs

Dr V P Shukla

Tags : vedic astrology, Marriage astrology, Horoscopes,

Categories : Marriage Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Horoscope,

This is the first book of its kind based on research oriented papers. Marriage is a landmark in one’s life. In Hindu society it is a sacrament and something more beyond a contractual agreement to live together. The couples join together for furtherance of Dharma and begetting worthy children. Thus, marital affairs attain supreme importance in human beings. A blissful married life is an asset while a disturbed and ruined conjugal life is only a bed of thorns. In order to help ensure a happy married life, an effort has been made to analyze planetary influences on marital affairs. A variation of planetary configurations may result in a number of hues and shades. Varied application of some astrological principles to some horoscopes in particular reference to marital affairs could lead to a marriage endowed with concord and harmony.

These days, when marriages are turning to be just a contract of convenience, the institution as a whole is falling a prey to objectivism. Adherence to our ancient cultural heritage and to get acquainted with planetary influences on marital affairs so as to get the best choice and avail the real bliss of the nuptial knot is the need of the hour. The theme of the book is to educate the readers and warn them of certain factors governing the fragility of marriages which could be averted or managed properly.