Book details

Nakshatra Light (KP)

Sharad C Joshi

Tags : vedic astrology, Nakshatra, approach astrology,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

In our ever changing world of today even the ancient science such as astrology remains stagnant and it must undergo transformation to keep pace with the times. Today, people approach astrology much more scientifically and, when they ask a particular question, they want more specific and precise answers from the astrologer. Therefore, today’s astrologer has to adopt a scientific approach with respect to the analysis of the available data and also draw upon his experience to make his predictions.    

In his earlier books Nakshatra Chintan Part-1 and KP = Nirayan + Sayan the author had discussed KP theory with limited examples; but as stated earlier, in today’s changing world the author came across situations where a simple question can have numerous possibilities. This book is a much more detailed one, both in terms of the topic and in its analytical charts, which are based both on theory as well as the author’s own experience in the field. The book covers all the important topics of a man’s life from the time of birth rectification to the mode of death.