Book details

Nakshatra Chintan, Part I & II

Sharad C Joshi

Tags : vedic astrology,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

In the first part of the set, the author has presented a few new concepts. These booklets are mainly for KP followers and not for the beginners; so keeping this in view the author has not given the theory of KP or other topics. Those who are well-versed with the sidereal, tropical and KP, will find that it is more easy to understand the modified rules than the existing ones. And if one applies the modified rules presented in these booklets, one will be able to give clearer judgment. In the 2nd part, the author has proposed a Common Joint Rulers Theory (CJRT) which he has used to analyze different charts. For better understanding he has given some practical examples from his collection, most of these are of known natives. The reason for know natives is that, readers are familiar with their life events, hence they can verify this theory for themselves.