Book details

Mundane Astrology

Manik Chand Jain

Tags : vedic astrology, mundane astrology,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

The ancient sages had acquired divine wisdom which could help mankind in very many ways. These sages were greatly respected by kings. They often advised emperors on Mundane matters. As a result of these counsels much social adversities were averted. Mundane Astrology has been much neglected by students, specially after they have lost the seat with the Rulers and the Royal Courts. Up to the present, very little has been written on Mundane Astrology and it is hoped that this little publication will draw their attention to this important branch of the science, for, after all, Nations, Countries and Cities are more important than individuals. Mundane Astrology is a difficult subject, seeing that every Country, District, Town or Coty is under a different Zodiacal influence. If this particular influence were known, it would be very interesting and easy matter to forecast the fate of any place. In this book the author suggests certain basis of the plausibility of Mundane Astrology.