Numerology love compatibility for 6 and 8

marriage numerology

The ruling planet for Number 6 is Venus while that for Number 8 is Saturn. These two are friendly planets but in numerology, they have different characteristics. People of number 6 are artistic, home loving and intimate. On the other hand, people of number 8 are ambitious, hard working, materialistic and always try too hard to succeed. It is necessary to maintain balance and harmony in order to turn this association into a beautiful relationship.

This combination is usually recommended for marriage and romance. If this association is of people of the same sex, they may even succeed in a business venture. This is a very positive and compatible relationship of two who are usually open and positive in everything which they do. This is a couple with big ideas and their ideas are usually brought to reality in grand fashion. The home will provide plenty of space for family, work and frequent entertainment of their many friends.