Numerology love compatibility for 5 and 9

marriage numerology

The ruling planet of number 5 is Mercury while the ruling planet of number 9 is Mars. People of number 5 are freedom loving, restless, changeable and unconventional. On the other hand, people of number 9 are highly spiritual, talented, sensitive and home loving. Therefore, both these numbers are opposite. These two numbers can make good business partners as well as friends. However, for a successful marriage, there is a great need of proper understanding.

People in this association may spend or waste a lot of money on risky investments or even gambling. This is a relationship between two who may find it hard to work the relationship into their busy schedules. Both of these numbers represent people who love to be in a constant state of transition and change. In this regard, they have much in common and will generally find each other very interesting, for the moment or for the long haul.