Numerology love compatibility for 3 and 4

marriage numerology

The ruling planet of number 3 is Jupiter while that of number 4 is Uranus. People of number 3 are sharp, strong, impulsive, talented and adventurous. On the other hand, people of number 4 are reserved, practical, calculative and home loving. It will be necessary to have loads of understanding between the two in order to be in a relationship. This is because most of the characteristics will be opposite and dissimilar.

People of number 3 take every day as it comes while people of number 4 make definite plans for even the smallest of things and times. The two will have to find a balancing point so that they can coexist and flourish in a relationship. People of number 4 need to learn how to have fun from people of number 3. On the other hand, people of number 3 need to learn a sense of security from the people of number 4.

However, without proper understanding, this relationship will also face problems like any other.