You have Virgo Sunsign & Capricorn Moonsign

Your Sun sign is Virgo and Moon sign is Capricorn. Keen analytical insight combines with a pragmatic drive for success when Virgo Sun combines with Capricorn Moon. You are an independent thinker but you are not looking to change convention as much as you are looking for the keys towards getting ahead in the game.

You do not get bogged-down with creative blocks or emotional hang-ups. You’re capable of a laser-sharp focus on business and this brings you the rewards and recognition which you thrive upon. You have a quiet resolve towards work and enjoy it most when you are able to make your own decisions and take your own actions without having to first have them approved by others.

Your ambition is not for trivial or minor goals. You seek accomplishments that are material, significant and accompany the status and power of executive-level positions. Your integrity keeps you from taking short-cuts on the road to success and this wins the admiration and trust of your friends and colleagues. You’re conservative, independent and confident in your abilities. You live by the credo that you should “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” and few can do this with as much self-sufficiency as those born under this lucky Zodiac combination.
