You have Virgo Sunsign & Cancer Moonsign

Virgo Sun and Cancer Moon make you very emotional. You are deep and intense. You have a friendly and agreeable nature. You are very thoughtful and attentive. Cancer Moon makes you very receptive and sensitive. Virgo makes you sharp and bright. You think systematically and logically. You are understanding and refined. Your personality is well balanced.

You are very easily influenced by things around you. You may appear unpredictable from outside but on the inside you are very sensible and selective. You balance your imagination, emotions and brilliance superbly. You have the innate ability to analyze and think deeply before acting. You have an eye for grasping fine details.

You can easily judge the value of things. You understand human nature and makeup. You will be very successful in business ventures where you have to sell or market products. Since you can easily read what people want. Self-protective and suspicious behavior is strongly marked in your nature.

You open your heart to your friends and family only. You cannot be called an extrovert. You tend to maintain a distance from people who you do not relate to. You can be hesitant and cautious at times. You are not very dynamic. You are a bit traditional and conventional.
