You have Anant Kalsarp Dosha in your kundali

Kalsarp Yoga Your Kalsarpa Yoga is the Anant Kalsarpa Yoga. This yoga is formed when Rahu is in the 1st house and Ketu is in the 7th house of the kundali (birth chart), and the rest of the planets are between Rahu and Ketu.

This yoga is also known as Vipreeta Kalsarpa Yoga. According to the Kalsarpa Yoga theory, this yoga can give you sudden gains and success, but it will have a negative impact on your married life. You might get married late in your life.

Remember, the Kalsarp yoga is not the only combination in your chart. If you have other positive combinations (yogas), there will have a positive impact and the negative effects of the Kalsarp yoga will be limited.

Remedies For Kalsarp Dosha

- Worship the Rudra avatar of lord Shiva.
- Wear Gomed and Cat’s eye gemstones.
- Wear a kalsarpa ring. Shaped like a snake.

Get Complete Kalsarpa Analysis

Our Kalsarpa Yoga Analysis will give you the complete details of your Kalsarpa Yoga along with details of Yogas that make the Kalsarpa stronger, weaker or cancel it, and easy to do remedies.

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