Vedic Planetary Ephemeris


What are planetary ephemeris

The planetary ephemeris record the geocentric positions of the planets on any given day. Using this section you can find out how the cosmos looked at the time of your birth or at any date.

You can use the ephemeris to calculate planetary transits and the movements of the planets through the zodiac.

Or choose any other date

Planetary Ephemeris For 09 May, 2024

Planet Position Degrees Nakshatra
Sun Sun aries Aries 24:40:8 24:40:8 Bharani
Mercury Mercury pisces Pisces 28:29:46 358:29:46 Revati
Venus Venus aries Aries 17:31:42 17:31:42 Bharani
Mars Mars pisces Pisces 12:13:29 342:13:29 UttaraBhadrapad
Jupiter Jupiter taurus Taurus 1:48:9 31:48:9 Kruttika
Saturn Saturn aquarius Aquarius 23:6:13 323:6:13 PurvaBhadrapad
Moon Moon taurus Taurus 6:10:59 36:10:59 Kruttika
Rahu Rahu pisces Pisces 19:50:57 349:50:57 Revati
Ketu Ketu virgo Virgo 19:50:57 169:50:57 Hasta
Uranus Uranus aries Aries 28:39:7 28:39:7 Kruttika
Neptune Neptune pisces Pisces 4:57:39 334:57:39 UttaraBhadrapad
Pluto Pluto capricorn Capricorn 7:53:52 277:53:52 Uttarashada